LinkedIn Profile Rewrite


The LinkedIn Profile Rewrite is designed to help executives refine their online presence and ensure their LinkedIn profiles are as impactful as their careers. This focused service is perfect for professionals at any level seeking to capture the attention of peers, recruiters, and industry leaders.


The LinkedIn Profile Rewrite is designed to help executives refine their online presence and ensure their LinkedIn profiles are as impactful as their careers. This focused service is perfect for professionals at any level seeking to capture the attention of peers, recruiters, and industry leaders. It includes:

  • One-on-One Consultation: A detailed, one-hour call with a WeQual executive writer to understand your career goals, achievements, and the personal brand you wish to project.
  • Complete LinkedIn Overhaul: Comprehensive rewriting of your LinkedIn profile, including a captivating headline, a compelling ‘About’ section, and a polished career history that reflects your professional journey and expertise.
  • Guide to Support Upload: Step-by-step instructions to help you update your profile, ensuring that the new content is presented optimally.

This service is ideal for executives looking to increase their visibility and influence in their industry, ensuring that their LinkedIn profile is a strong, accurate reflection of their professional stature and capabilities.